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Ways to Lasting Longer in Bed! Become the Guy Who Can Go on For Hours

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Eradicating premature ejaculation doesn't have to be hard, but you do need to practice. If you practice using these techniques, then your body will adapt to lasting longer in bed, and you will be successful at stopping premature ejaculation once and for all.

Here are three practical techniques to last longer during sex:

I've found the following three methods most efficient for practicing to have longer sex. The first two you can do on your own, but the third requires a girlfriend or sexual partner.

1. Masturbation. Most people will say that it is masturbation that contributes to quick ejaculation. Guys get so used to quickly ejaculating during masturbation, that it becomes normal during sex and stopping premature ejaculation becomes difficult because of this unintended training. But I've found that you can use masturbation as a healthy training tool to end premature ejaculation. So let's flip the switch and use masturbation to cure premature ejaculation.

• First, you want to masturbate to the point of feeling the ejaculation begin to arise.

• Then stop completely. Take a deep breath and rest for a moment.

• Now, once you are settled down a bit, and the fear of ejaculating has passed, you can then resume masturbating up to that same point of near ejaculation

• Once again, when you arrive at that point, stop everything. Breath and relax, allowing the over excitement to simmer down to the point where you will be able to resume masturbating some more.

• Continue this stop and start method for several minutes.

Now what this practice technique does is it tells the body that ejaculating too quickly is not acceptable. It physically gets the body used to hold out longer during sex, while mentally training the mind to become accustomed to lasting longer during intimacy.

You are building up your resistance to quick ejaculation. Try to add a few minutes to your future sessions to gradually build up your body longer lasting sex.

2. Squeeze the PC Muscle. PC muscle is the muscle between the testicles and the anus. Try urinating, and then stopping, and you will feel this muscle being stimulated. Now during urination, it is easy to control this muscle. But during ejaculation, it can seem almost impossible. That's because it is weak and needs to be strengthened. If you squeeze the muscle on your own for some reps, you will be strengthening this muscle. At first, this will be difficult, and you may have trouble flexing or squeezing it for ten reps. But after a few weeks, you can significantly strengthen it to the point of perhaps doing 20 reps in one sitting. So you can see the more you practice flexing this muscle, the stronger it becomes. During sex you will then be able to flex this muscle and control your ejaculation, thus stopping premature ejaculation from occurring.

• First, you want to identify the muscle by urinating then stopping. The muscle you feel at work is the PC muscle.

• Next, you want to practice flexing it. Shoot for ten flexes at first, or however many you can get. Rest a moment and again try for as many as you can do. Do three sets daily until you can do ten good flexes a set.

• Once you can do 10-15 flexes for three sets, you want to practice both flexing it and holding it in for 5 seconds. So it's flex, then hold for 5 seconds, then release, then repeat. Try to build up to being able to flex and hold for ten reps.

• After you can do ten repetitions with 5-second holds, then try holding it in for 10 seconds.

This "static pressure" will come in handy during actual sex when you want to prevent quick ejaculation from coming on. You will just squeeze, as you practiced in the first portion of this exercise, and then you will hold it in, which is what you practiced in the second part, and this will prevent quick ejaculation from occurring. The longer you can flex for, the better chance that your premature ejaculation will be checked.

3. Sex With Partner. One of the excellent ways to practice is with a partner. If you have a willing girlfriend, then you can practice having sex and holding out as long as possible. This is similar to the stop and start masturbation technique. Only this will be more practical since you have a real partner and the sensations will be greater. As soon as you feel ejaculation coming on, dismount from your girlfriend, breath and then resume when you are ready. The further practice you have, the faster you will experience great results.

• Practice this with your girlfriend on top (Cow girl position). Guys have more control when the girl is on top. They can practice squeezing in the PC muscle from this position the best.

• Have sex and when you feel ejaculation coming on, instruct your girlfriend to slow down or stop, while you squeeze in your PC muscle for ejaculation prevention.

• Then resume and again have her stop while you squeeze. Eventually, you will reach the point where she won't need to stop, and you will be able to just squeeze in at any point during sex.

• Once you feel comfortable with holding out in this position, switch to the missionary. This could be challenging, but after a while, you will get used to it and gain more control in this posture.

• You can practice both the PC squeeze during sex, and you can also practice just pulling out, relaxing and resuming as you did in the first masturbation exercise.

Frequent sex can help tremendously with improving your lasting ability. As they say, practice does make perfect, so if you have an understanding girlfriend, this can be an excellent choice for preventing ejaculation from coming on too early. If your problem is about soft erection, then you may need to buy sex pill to help you maintain hard erection.


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